Very experienced web designer/developer.
Many years’ experience in a wide range of roles involving design and development of websites. Primarily In roles where I am working with developers in building the UI of a site; I have experience in most of the major development languages and can transfer this into efficient code. I am passionate about development and enjoy keeping my skill set up to date.
As developer I have worked on complex backend projects (First Choice Holidays, Colt Telecoms, First Active) as part of a team and several times as project lead.
Before moving onto front-end roles based mostly around WordPress and building sites for Yahoo, the Science Museum, Thomson Reuters and for the UK Government (Consumer Focus).
I would consider myself very flexible in my approach, with each new project adding to my skills instead of shoehorning into my existing skills. Learning new skills in a proactive way has been my mainstay for my entire web development career.
While primarily in the past I have been employed mainly as a developer, I have gained considerable experience working in marketing departments in all aspects of promotional design and my work is becoming more design led, based on a modern full stack approach using Bootstrap as well as modern JavaScript frameworks, UX & UI testing with wireframe and high definition prototypes for MVT using tools such as Balsamic, Sketch and InVision. Examples include Sunday times and Thomson Reuters
Along the way collecting a wide range of technical skills including in both front and backend development.
Comfortable with Node, Vue, Firebase, Sass, npm, GIT & SVN, Jira, as well as working in large organizations using various development methods. (Agile, etc.)
However, in the last few years I have specialized in large custom WordPress sites, including security, deployment, version control using Bedrock, ACF, Rest API etc. This seems to be a good mix of my front-end design and marketing skills and my back-end programming skills. Both are creative in similar but different ways.
I would consider myself a very experienced all-rounder that can develop and design to high standards and to a deadline.